User-agent: * Allow: /. Allow: / Battling MS - Not Surviving ... Thriving!!: Welcome To Day Two of The TWO KEYS

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Welcome To Day Two of The TWO KEYS

OK. I told you I was going to place this key holder right by the door so that you could not miss it. Actually, I am going to make it as plain as I can, but you will have to take the initiative to hang it by the door. Adopt this simple motto, "If it is to be, it is up to me."

In this message, I am going to reveal these two very simple keys, but I will need to send you several more to expound on and explain them fully so that you know exactly what to do. I want these keys to be so plain. So visible. You can't get out the door without them!

Here they are. Very simply, SFI or any other legitimate opportunity provides you with a vehicle that can bring you the peace of mind, the time with family, the freedom to choose what you do daily, and all of the other blessings that come with having a large, secure stream of passive income. SFI is a tried and proven vehicle that has provided all of this to thousands of people all over the world for the past 25 years. Now, you own the vehicle. It is sitting in front of your home. But, you must have the keys to start it up and drive it away.

KEY NUMBER ONE: You must make an investment in your opportunity. Do you really think, you can make huge sums of money and never make an investment? Always remember, the money must come from somewhere. In any business, someone will have to purchase or retail a product or pay a membership fee. In other words, there must be some flow of cash for anyone to be paid. Therefore, if you are in a "Free" opportunity, you will need to make the commitment of upgrading to a "Paid" member or purchase a minimum product, depending on how your particular opportunity works. With SFI, you must purchase or retail a product with 10 SV points each month. That’s it! Just purchase or retail one product (If it is renewable or consumable, you do it once and it recurs each month).

That's right. At some point, if you are going to drive this opportunity machine that can bring you all of the financial rewards you have dreamed of, you will have to make a commitment. Just look at the SFI "President's Club", or the leaders in any other opportunity. All of those leaders that are successful had to make that initial commitment. What other business could you ever think of starting that can produce the financial rewards you desire that would not require anything more than a $29.95 commitment?

KEY NUMBER TWO: Here is the second thing you need to do to explode your business. Advertise your opportunity. No money is ok, because you can advertise for FREE. It won't cost you a cent! I have built an organization of around 100 SFI affiliates in 60 days without spending one cent on advertising.

You are going to need lots of people joining your business that you can help to be successful by giving them these two simple keys. The only way this can happen is for you to continually expose your opportunity. You have the whole world to show it to but you have to know how to do it. I and others in your leadership team will show you how, step-by-step.

In these messages that I am posting this week, I will explain this simple TWO KEYS system that you can use to start receiving all that your opportunity has to offer which is the financial freedom you have been looking for. Watch this blog every day this week!

Tomorrow, I will show you how easily and inexpensively you can use the KEY NUMBER ONE. This will be critical for some of you that may be nearing the end of a "free trial" period. Have a blessed day!

Be sure and check out the SFI (Strong Futures International) opportunity. It has a solid 25 year history of excellence. Click this link: Strong Futures International

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