User-agent: * Allow: /. Allow: / Battling MS - Not Surviving ... Thriving!!: Futures Unlimited

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Futures Unlimited

Welcome back to my blog. It’s Saturday morning and I am about to go to breakfast with one of the gentlemen in my church. I wanted to sit down and type out a little communication before I go.

I remember when I first began to be given information on Post-Polio Syndrome. Everyone was concerned because they could see I was having something going on with the way I was walking. I had just completed weeks of extensive medical testing for MS or anything else that could be going on neurologically. The only thing they discovered for sure, I was happy to go home and report to my wife -- they said I definitely had a brain and it was working fine. That was comforting to know!

One night after that, I was searching the web and reading about PPS and getting depressed over the lack of hope being offered everywhere I turned. I began praying and asking God to direct me to something that would give me some hope. Of course, all this time, I'm praying for God to perform a miracle on me and just take it all away. However, I believe if there is something that we can do to fix a situation, we shouldn't expect God to just come in and make it all right. We have personal responsibility.

So, that's where I was, when I stumbled onto someone's blog. I guess that is what it was because I was blog illiterate at that time. The blog covered a several year journey of a lady that was suffering from acute PPS. I was fascinated by her writing style and reading all that was happening to her was so relative to the things I was beginning to experience. Well there was not much positive happening, but her writing style was so compelling, I kept reading...and then, it happened. She found a place in Mississippi, a clinic that specialized in treating PPS. I was eager to see how the story was going to turn out.

The short of it was that prior to her visit to Futures Unlimited, she was completely unable to walk on her own and even spent most of her time on a respirator. When she left Futures Unlimited, she was walking and breathing on her own and within one year, she had begun cross-country skiing again. I was so amazed at her testimony that I determined right then to make it to the clinic in Mississippi.

I went to Futures Unlimited a year ago this past July and was greatly helped with that one visit. However, I did not maintain my gains and that was partly my own fault and inability to follow-through on my home routine. Currently, I am planning to return to Futures Unlimited as soon as possible. If you are suffering from any kind of neurological disability, I really believe that Futures Unlimited is capable of helping you in some way. Check out their website for more information. Http://

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