User-agent: * Allow: /. Allow: / Battling MS - Not Surviving ... Thriving!!: Have You Ever Lost Your Car Keys?

Monday, September 25, 2006

Have You Ever Lost Your Car Keys?

One of my purposes in this blog is to help people who are looking for additional ways to make money, do so via the internet. For the next several days, I am going to share some keys that can be used to make money on the internet no matter the program one may be a part of provided it is a legitimate opportunity.

When I was younger, I constantly misplaced my car keys. It was a family joke that when I left the house to go somewhere, I would be coming back in in a couple minutes and be asking, "Has anyone seen my car keys?"

To me it was not all that funny. It seemed I could not keep up with those keys. I was always looking for my keys. Then, when I got married and a home of my own, I discovered a simple system for always knowing where my keys were. We purchased a little wall hanger with a line of hooks on it and hung it on the wall by the front door. When I entered the house, I put my keys on the hook. When I exited the house, there was my keys right there. Wow! Problem solved.

I am beginning this blog series to my SFI team or anyone with any income opportunity whatsoever, to help you find the keys that you have been looking for since you signed up with your opportunity and before. You did not sign up with an income opportunity because you wanted a great company and great people and great products and great compensation plan. All of that is nice, but what you signed up for was to find the keys that you have been searching for for some time. That is the keys to building a substantial residual income that can secure your future and put money in your pocket every day.

You hoped that SFI or your particular program was that key and that is why you enrolled. Since you enrolled, many of you have continued searching and have not yet found those keys.

THE SEARCH IS OVER! In these next few emails, I am going to put a wall hanging with two hooks on it right by your door so that you will always know where the keys are! If you sincerely were looking for the keys to the peace of mind, the prestige and respect from friends and family, the freedom to choose what you do daily and so much more that comes from having lots of money, you must watch this blog daily this week. I AM GOING TO SHOW YOU THE KEYS!

It's really quite simple. SFI's affiliate center and the back office of most other opportunities, is loaded with lots of amazing material and internet marketing training, but for many of us, it is very confusing and overwhelming. I have worked very hard to render it down to TWO SIMPLE KEYS. That's right. That's all it is. Just TWO SIMPLE KEYS.

I cannot give it all in one post because it might get lost. So, watch this blog tomorrow for TWO SIMPLE KEYS. Have a blessed day. This is going to be the week that turns your life around.

For information on the SFI (Strong Futures International) please click this link: MORE INFO

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