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Monday, January 01, 2007

Goodbye 2006 and Hello 2007!

When we were kids we loved to play hide-n-seek with the neighborhood kids. The person who was "it", would have to hide their eyes and count to some specified number while the rest of us scattered in different directions to our hiding places. As the counter finished their count, they would proclaim, "Ready or not, here I come," and the hunt was on.

Well, "Ready or not" here comes a brand new year! There is no stopping time. It is now, 2007 ready or not, like it or not. Here's some advice for closing out one year and barging boldly ahead into a new year.

Never let last year use up too much of this year. Were there failures in 2006? Most surely there were. Were there successes in 2006? Again, most surely there were.

Do not let the failures of the past bring fear into the present. Yesterday and last year ended last night. It is more important now to look ahead and prepare for the adventures of 2007 than to look back bemoan and regret the shortcomings of the past Vivian Larramore said, "I've shut the door on yesterday and thrown the key away -- tomorrow holds no fears for me, since I've found today."

What about your successes. You must not look back and rest on your laurels. If you had success yesterday, you can have success today but only by continuing to do the things that produce success. The key is to not stop and think you have arrived but to build on yesterdays victories. Use the past as your launching pad rather than your lawn chair.

John Mason included the following in his powerful little book, "Let Go of Whatever Makes You Stop:
"Keep you eye on the road, and use your rear-view mirror only to avoid trouble" (Daniel Meacham). Stop taking journeys into the past. Don't make the mistake of letting yesterday use up too much of today.
Have a happy and blessed New Year!