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Thursday, September 28, 2006

KEY NUMBER ONE To Jump-Starting Your Income Opportunity

Let's look at this brand new, shiny machine called SFI or whatever opportunity that you have chosen. It is parked in front of your home right now. It is not what you have dreamed of, but it is what can take you to what you have dreamed of. Can you imagine waking up in the morning and knowing you have been earning money while you were asleep? Do you dream of taking a vacation and returning to discover that you have made more while you were gone than you spent? What would it be like to go to sleep at night knowing that your children's college costs and financial future was secure?

Whatever you are dreaming of, your opportunity is the vehicle that can take you there! When you log on to your opportunity's member area you find training material, articles, resources, tools, etc. that will help you be a successfully market your opportunity and products. With SFI there are 100's of products that you can now market, all of which can earn you commissions of up to 80%. Any legitimate opportunity will have some product to market. You should also find your affiliate links to your affiliate sites that market your opportunity. Be sure and familiarize yourself with your opportunity's member resources.

Now, none of that helps you if you do not have the KEY. I have already shared with you the TWO KEYS to success with any internet income opportunity. Now, it is time to take that FIRST KEY and plug it in and watch what happens. Here's how to do it.

KEY NUMBER ONE: With SFI you must purchase or retail a product with 10 SV points each month. That’s it! I don't know what the particular requirement may be for every opportunity out there, but there is always some minimum purchase or monthly membership fee. What I like about an opportunity that has a product versus a membership fee is that you can generally purchase something that you are using every month anyway. You could also retail that product to a friend or family member or sell it on the internet. Just purchase or retail one product (If it is renewable or consumable, you do it once and it recurs each month) and you are set. That KEY is pretty easy to use.

Now, generally the purchase works out to about $30 per month. In most cases, you will earn a commission on all of the persons in your downline or roughly 6%. In order to be in profit, you only need 20 persons in your downline doing the same thing and you will have made a $6 profit. The nice thing is when that purchase was something you were already using and spending money for. Now, you get it free and make $6 besides.

Just remember, if you don't take the step and make the commitment, you cannot expect those who enroll under you to do it. They will generally do about what you do or less.

My challenge to you. Make a commitment to do this for 6 months. Your total investment will only be about $180. After six months of using this key and KEY NUMBER TWO, if you are not making more than that each month, more than $180 a month, then quit. Don't do anything else. Cancel your subscription and go on to something else.

Believe me, if you make this monetary commitment and use the SECOND KEY, for six months, Your income will far exceed $180 per month and you will be on your way to retirement within 2-3 years. What else can you do for 2-3 years and retire with an above average income? I have not found it.

Tomorrow, I will begin to show you how to advertise effectively for free and begin to see new sign ups every day. When I wake up and check my email each day, I have notifications from SFI that I have a new affiliate.

Visit this blog again tomorrow. If you would like this series in its entirety, I have it in an EBook that I will send you for FREE. Just email me and REQUEST THE BOOK

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